I was 33 years of age when I stepped into the promise of the Lord – Karii Jobe
Renowned international gospel artiste Karii Jobe has expressed her gratitude to God for granting her a beautiful family after so many years of wait. The artiste who is now blessed with two kids and a wonderful husband has cautioned Christians to trust in the Lord at all times for His promises are definitely going to be manifested.
In a post spotted by gospel2me.com on instagram, the gospel artiste said “I feel so grateful for my little family..years ago (not that long ago) I was crying out to the Lord for a husband and babies- I was 33 when I got to step into this promise. If you’re longing for your own little family today I pray that you feel surrounded with a sense of purpose in the season God has you in and that the desires of your heart come to pass SOON. I have a few different friends who couldn’t have children for years and they got pregnant this last year- God loves to do miracles- and yours is on its way”