
[ Watch Video] Perez Musik Premiers New Music ”Aseda” Featuring Efe Grace

Ghanaian gospel musician Perez Musik just in time to kick start your with new year with Thanksgiving His new song titled ”Aseda” which features Efe Grace details a long list of things that the gospel sensation is thankful for. After all its a season to express gratitude.


In a chat, He said ‘‘Aseda is all about giving praises to God for how far He has brought me  because there came a time in my life that, things became very difficult, I was losing relationships, family, money, and almost everything I had started began to fall apart. But in the midst of it all, I still praised and believed in God and at the right time God came through for me. It made me understand that, praising God shouldn’t be when things are alright but in the midst of your storm praise God ”.

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He added that, ”Aseda” is also dedicated to to those who are holding strong to their faith, believing that a miracle is close.

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Gospel Music Enthusiast, Gospel Music Blogger, Promoter and Lover of God

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